Monday, 5 March 2012

Got all funky with a Paipo template and the router this weekend on the deck of the Simmons.......more on that cock up later!!!!! The surfboard hull is now all cleaned out and the rails are planned flat to the ribs and abraded with 80 grit paper ready to take the thickened epoxy and then the deck panel, aaaaahhhh the deck panel. As I mentioned earlier the router work with the Paipo template took place and although it all went according to plan my artistic flair, or lack of it, ended in a deck that looks like a fecking Christmas tree, and no, I will not be putting any baubles on it Gazzy!!!! It has been decided that the deck will pay homage to the mighty Red Cedar, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!

   All that said the deck should be on in the next couple of days, this will done in the simple jig on the photo, this will recover the correct nose rocker which tends to relax a little when taken off the jig after the rails were done. Thickened epoxy is spread over the ribs and rails then the deck placed on and lightly clamped and weighted, give it a couple of days then take it from the deck!!!!!


  1. Hey damo you don't need any fins on that as the water is going to keep in straight line. Ha Ha !

    1. I don't reckon i will stay on the beast long enough to worry about fins if the last Simo is anything to go by!!!!!
